One of the most important concerns of women is that of their reproductive health. Considering that ovarian cancer is the 5th leading cause of cancer death in women, regular checks for possible symptoms associated with ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer should be a top priority, especially as a woman approaches their fifties. The following contains information on ovarian cysts, PCOS and how to diagnose and treat these gynecological issues.
What is an ovarian cyst?
An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac which forms on the surface of an ovary. These cysts are actually incompletely developed follicles that have not been fertilized, normally disappearing within a couple of menstrual cycles. These cysts are known as "functional cysts", relatively benign cysts which are the result of the release of an egg from the ovary. The vast majority of these cysts often show up as non-cancerous forms, but there are some ovarian cysts that can turn cancerous. Women over the age of 50 are the most susceptible for ovarian cysts and should seek the advice of a doctor if they suspect that these cysts are cancerous.
What is PCOS?
PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition that effects between 4 percent and 10 percent of women who are of childbearing age. The word "polycystic" alludes to the condition of having an accumulation of cysts within the ovaries. The cysts involved in PCOS are not dangerous in of themselves, but there is the possibility of a hormonal imbalance being triggered by the presence of these cysts, leading to distinctive symptoms associated with PCOS. It is not quite clear as to the definite cause of PCOS, but there are factors which can lead to this syndrome, including obesity, insulin resistance, external hormonal disruptors such as environmental or chemical pollution and genetic predisposition to such syndromes, among other potential triggers.
Are ovarian cysts dangerous?
The vast majority of cysts are of the benign variety that normally does not cause any pain or discomfort. In most cases, most women do not realize that they have ovarian cysts at all. But there are cases where ovarian cysts can cause a notable amount of discomfort, especially during intercourse. Ovarian cysts may suddenly bleed or rupture, causing significant pain in the abdominal and pelvic regions. In rare cases, cysts can form within the corpus luteum, growing 3 to 4 inches in diameter while causing pelvic or abdominal pain, especially if the cysts manage to twist the ovary. For women in their fifties, ovarian cysts can turn into cancerous tumors, with the possibility of spreading to the lymph nodes and other tissues.
What are the types of cysts?
As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of cysts are "functional" cysts which normally go away on their own in about 1 to 3 months after ovulation. These cysts are products of the ovulation process and are usually so small and unobtrusive that you may not even realize you have one. Another type of ovarian cyst which is normally benign is a cystadenoma, which develops from the cells on the surface of the ovary. In some cases, these particular cysts can grow large, placing pressure on the abdominal organs resulting in some pain. Dermoid cysts consist largely of fat tissue, while also containing a mix of other tissues. This kind of cysts is normally small and relatively benign, but there are rare cases where dermoid cysts can grow to large sizes and eventually burst. This causes abdominal bleeding and is serious enough to warrant an emergency hospital visit.
Endometrioma is another type of cyst that could potentially grow within the ovaries. These cysts form when the endometrial tissue found inside of the uterus finds its way in the ovaries. These cysts are often called "chocolate cysts", due to the fact that these cysts often fill with blood, giving them a brownish red color. Endometrioma can be potentially painful, especially during intercourse. Endometriosis is the presence of multiple endometrias within the ovaries.
What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?
The symptoms of ovarian cysts vary from case to case, although the most common symptoms have been shared by a majority of those with ovarian cysts. These include pelvic pain just before and after your period, sensations of pressure placed on your bladder or rectum, menstrual irregularities and persistent vaginal discharge. Abdominal pain is usually associated with ovarian cysts, although other conditions have similar symptoms, such as kidney stones, bladder infections and appendicitis, along with gynecologic issues such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). If any of these symptoms should appear, it is best to seek medical advice from a health professional. In the event that sudden symptoms appear, such as severe pain in your lower abdomen, fever, vomiting or signs of shock, immediately seek emergency help at the nearest hospital.
How are ovarian cysts diagnosed?
Ovarian cysts are diagnosed with a series of routine procedures, depending on the severity of the problem. Pelvic exams are used to detect ovarian cysts early on. Done annually, this is the best preventative method for detecting and treating ovarian cysts early on. If ovarian cysts are detected, a pelvic ultrasound is employed to determine the size of the cysts. Sound waves are used to produce an image of the cyst which is then analyzed by a gynecological professional. In the event that the doctor wants to closely examine the ovarian cyst, laparoscopy is employed, using a laparoscope. This thin, illuminated telescope is inserted through a small incision into the abdomen in order to closely inspect the cyst, as well as possibly remove it.
How can ovarian cysts be treated?
The methods used to treat ovarian cysts depend on the type of cysts and the severity of the symptoms associated with ovarian cysts or PCOS. If cysts are small and benign and are causing no symptoms, your doctor may advise you to wait for the cysts to go away on their own, following up with another pelvic exam and ultrasound in about six weeks. If the cysts do not go away on their own or grow even larger, other measures will be taken. One of these measures includes taking birth control pills. Birth control pills can possibly help the ovarian cyst shrink by changing the hormone levels within the body. Not only can birth control pills help shrink cysts, they also may prevent other cysts from growing.
As a last resort, the cyst may be removed if it is too large to shrink or if it is either solid or filled with debris. The cyst may also be removed if it is causing a significant amount of pain and distress or if it is continuously growing. A cystectomy may be performed, sometimes using the same laparoscopic techniques used for examining them. In most cases, the cyst can be removed without removing the affected ovary itself, although in some cases the ovary also has to be removed. In this case, the other ovary is left intact to insure continued hormone balance. In the case of PCOS, hormonal therapy may be used to not only treat the cysts themselves, but also the symptoms associated with PCOS. Metformin, a drug used to regulate insulin efficiency, is also used in most cases to treat the insulin resistance associated with PCOS. Other treatments range from better dietary habits and weight loss to ovarian drilling. Ovarian drilling consists of creating anywhere from 4 to 30 holes in a cystic ovary, a treatment that has worked for some women. In the case of ovarian cancer, surgery is the most preferred route of treatment, followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. In the most extreme cases, a hysterectomy, which involves the removal of both ovaries, along with any nearby lymph glands and other affected tissue, may be necessary to prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.
Can ovarian cysts be prevented?
Ovarian cysts are a phenomenon that cannot be entirely avoided, although they can be managed with sensible measures. A woman can minimize the frequency and growth of ovarian cysts with means as simple as increased exercise and improvements in dietary habits and overall health. Controlling your level of stress, as well as balancing your hormonal system can also make a difference in how ovarian cysts are managed. Diet is the most important aspect of managing ovarian cysts. According to medical research, women who consumed a large amount of meat and cheese product were the most susceptible to ovarian cysts, while women who consumed green vegetables were the least vulnerable to developing ovarian cysts.
Author: Michael CurranWebsite:
Ovarian Overview is a comprehensive collection of information on what factors cause Ovarian Cysts & PCOS. The website documents how to identify, treat, prevent and manage Ovarian Cysts.
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