For many women, being diagnosed with ovarian cysts can be a scary prospect indeed and their first fear is often concerning ovarian cyst removal. While most cysts do not cause complications and actually disappear without treatment, some can grow and cause serious complications. Because ovarian cysts deal with the female reproductive system, many women fear the worst when receiving this diagnosis. It is important to know the facts about ovarian cysts and if you are a candidate for ovarian cyst removal.

First of all, ovarian cysts are very common. It is estimated that more than 90% of women have had an ovarian cyst at one time or another or actually get them on a regular basis. Most of the time, ovarian cysts cause no pain or discomfort and they are not noticed at all. On rare occasions however, the cysts can become inflamed, continue to grow, and refuse to go away. In some of these cases you may need to have the ovarian cyst surgically removed. Again it is important to note that because of the commonality of cysts, they are rarely dangerous and ovarian cyst removal is a rare but common procedure. Some of the reason that a doctor may prescribe ovarian cyst removal include: The patient is young and has never had a period (the cyst may not dissolve due to lack of menstrual cycle), cysts have been diagnosed on both of the ovaries, The cyst persisted for several months and will not dissolve naturally, abdominal pain has steadily increased over time, or if the patient is post menopausal. In addition, if the growth of the cysts is large enough, your doctor may want to do a small surgery to make sure that no cancer can be found. Again, this is a rarity, but well worth the procedure if your doctor suspects the worst. If your doctor feels that ovarian cyst removal is necessary, there are two types of procedures available.

The first is laparoscopy. This is simply a small incision in your abdomen. The doctor then inserts a small telescoping tool into the slit and uses it to gently remove the cyst. The procedures are camera guided and allow the doctor to accurately locate and remove the affected area. This is usually an outpatient surgery and recovery time is about a day. You should be able to regain completely normal activity within 14 days.

If your cyst is abnormally large or the doctor feels it may be cancerous, he may request ovarian cyst removal through laparotomy. This results in a much larger incision in the abdomen and will allow the doctor to see more of your organs to determine the nature and severity of the ovarian cysts. Oftentimes, larger cysts can wrap around other parts of the female reproductive system and this procedure will allow the doctor more room to work freely. In addition, if cancer IS discovered, the doctor will want to get out every piece of infected or cancerous material as possible.

There are many ways to prevent ovarian cysts. You can lessen your chances of ovarian cyst removal by taking birth control pills, quitting smoking, and visiting your doctor if severe symptoms persist. In addition, there are many natural remedies available on the market to help relieve pain and symptoms of ovarian cysts and that will help prevent the need for ovarian cyst removal.

To find out more useful information about ovarian cysts and how to naturally cure them please visit Ovarian Cyst Removal