Dermoid ovarian cyst is a warning sign that should not be ignored. Do not leave it untreated, because otherwise the consequences can be grave

Though benign in nature, this bizarre form of ovarian cyst may become dangerous, if left untreated for long. Affecting mostly young women, this condition can create anxiety among them who fear for their fertility because of the peculiar nature of the cyst that contains, among others, sundry fluids, decapitated human skin, hair follicles and even teeth. The surrounding myths and misconceptions can further lead to depression and trauma in immature minds. This is also the reason why there is a delay in proper treatment, which can further lead to many more complications. Hence, it is essential that one should get familiarized about dermoid ovarian cyst in order to deal with this situation better.

Understanding dermoid cysts in the ovary

Clinically termed as mature teratomas, dermoid ovarian cysts are almost revolting to look at, as some of the cysts often resemble minute incomplete unusual human form complete with sweat glands, thyroid tissue, etc. Each dermoid cyst may look diverse, owning to differences in the make up of this cyst. Perhaps it is the knowledge of having this human - like cyst growing in the body that makes women more edgy than thinking about its possible risk factors. These cysts are normally not cancerous and thus are considered harmless. Dermoid cysts stay within the ovary for long periods of time because often there may not be any symptoms. They are found out during medical examinations. However sometimes when the menstrual cycle is irregular, this may be sign of dermoid cysts. There are quite a few women who prefer not to seek treatment for dermoid ovarian cyst as soon as possible on account of pure emotional grounds. Nevertheless, they need to be closely monitored, as these cysts may twist or rupture upon themselves, and this can lead to complications. It is thus necessary to go for treatment, before things take a turn for the worse. Dermoid cysts do not impact the woman's fertility, and so, are not taken to be so malicious, as compared to some other conditions. Despite this, if one is planning on having kids, it becomes essential that one should get the condition treated irrespective of whether it hurts emotional feelings.

Dermoid ovarian cysts - risk factors

Risks attached to dermoid ovarian cyst are dependant on the nature and type of the cyst. What size the cyst is also helps in deciding what the risks are. The larger the cyst, the more the risk is, as there is an increased chance of a rupture in a bigger one. Such cysts are uncomfortable as they may twist the ovary, and when this happens the blood supply us affected.

In most cases, dermoid cysts in the ovary are benign and non cancerous. However in a few cases, they become affected by cancerous cells. However this is only present in a few cases and thus is quite rare. Though not fatal, but they can be quite painful, and this is a worry. This is why timely and appropriate treatment is necessary to fight the pain and also to eradicate them.

Treatment of dermoid ovarian cyst

Dermoid cyst in the ovary causes problems such as weight gain, severe pain and irregular menstruation. Luckily, there are quite a few treatment options. Since conventional treatment can neither cure the condition nor provide any relief to the symptoms, surgery seems to be only option left to the patient. But invasive surgery too may not guarantee lifelong cure, as recurrence often brings the same patient to the surgical table once again for a repeat surgery.

The only dependable method of getting rid of dermoid ovarian cysts is in the holistic approach. Apart from eliminating the plausible hazards that always accompany invasive surgery, holistic approach is also far more beneficial as it is a safe and natural method sans any side effects that nips the cysts in the bud, eliminates the root causes of dermoid ovarian cysts thus ensuring total and permanent relief. The holistic approach also allows the patient to keep in control and looks into the emotional wellbeing of the person too.

Holistic remedies work so much better because here the approach is to treat the body as a whole and identify all the contributing factors and then treat them. Conventional remedies on the other hand treat just the symptoms and fail to delve deeper into the subject.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

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