Since most of the ovarian cysts are benign, least life-threatening and tend go away on their own, people are wary about taking them seriously. Also, in majority of cases, 'ovarian cysts' are nothing but functional cysts which develop at menstrual cycle's end and get cleared up by themselves after the release of eggs in fallopian tubes. However, when ovarian cysts obstruct the supply of blood to the ovaries or are cancerous in nature, immediate medical attention in the form of surgery is the only option left before the patient. Surgical intervention is also required in removing certain types of cystadonema cysts that grow into large abdominal tumour, often weighing as much as 300 lbs or more. Chocolate cysts or endometrial cysts that are filled up with stale blood and are likely to rupture at any moment also require invasive surgery for protection and relief. But the burning question that remains unanswered concerns the effectiveness of surgery in curing the disease condition that is responsible for the cysts to occur or grow in size. It has been observed in most cases that cysts reappear even after their removal through surgical means.

Since prescription drugs also have very little or no effect on cysts, people often resort to alternative methods of treatment that include herbs, homeopathy, antioxidant supplements, etc as well as messy concoctions prepared from animal and plant extracts that are supposed to cure occurrence of ovarian cysts. Some even give up consuming red meat in the hope that this will eventually rid them of the evils of ovarian cysts. But alas, No conclusive evidence has yet been made available that such alternate medication can do any good in eliminating the cysts or halt the occurrence of cysts in the ovary.

Oral contraceptives as alternative therapy

However, women having family history of members reporting ovarian cysts are sometimes given oral contraceptives or 'birth control pills' as preventive measures in regard to ovarian cysts. Since these "pills" are nothing but condensed form of female hormones, estrogen and progesterone that exercise control over the female's monthly cycle by preventing the ovaries from releasing the embryonic 'egg', the formation of ovarian cysts becomes remote. But then, the side effects of prolonged use of the "pill" can be perilous for many.

Cystectomy as alternative surgical method

Finding no other safe and effective means of getting rid of ovarian cysts, some prefer Cystectomy which was so long earmarked for treating bladder or gall bladder cancer. In fact, Cystectomy has been traditionally employed for removal of cyst-affected vital organs of the body but is now directed to removal of cysts from the ovary. This procedure is currently gaining popularity amongst many since it spares the ovary while removing the cysts. However, in the case of carcinoma of the ovary there is no other alternative but to remove the organ fully.

Holistic approach is the only way

Although most of the above methods are capable of eliminating the symptoms of discomfort, pain as well as other distressing physical conditions with short-term relief and a long-term rebounding effect, they can never cure the disease condition that prompts cysts to form in the ovary. As long as one consumes "pills" the cysts remain suppressed and the moment it is withdrawn, reappears again.

Experience, however, has taught humankind that a holistic approach towards controlling the ovarian cysts is the only cure left in its hands to deal with the stubborn ovarian cysts since it launches its attack at the base of the disease condition, going through all the stages till it is eliminated from the system for good. To cut a long story short, holistic approach includes regulation of the monthly periods, growth of healthy tissues within the reproductive system, intensification of fertility, diminishing the chances of miscarriage (which is vital in controlling ovarian cysts), removal of excess fat in the lower abdomen and elimination of chances for hysterectomy or ovarian surgery. All these is however, achieved through controlled diet, consumption of essential minerals, reduction in alcohol consumption and a healthy lifestyle.

Holistic approach has been planned, considering the fact that most of the chronic problems of female health, including polycystic ovary syndrome, and also ovarian cysts, are caused by a number of factors, and some of them are even environmental. Many of these factors are biochemical, nutritional, behavioural and also psychological. Knowing what the internal chemistry is and how it works is helpful because you can then make changes to get relief. Such alterations can even remote PCOS and ovarian cysts completely - that is if you go for holistic remedies.

Since holistic remedies treat the body as a whole and attempts to identify and treat all the contributing factors, ovarian cysts can be best resolved with this approach.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

To Learn More About Mary Parker?s Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts