There are various complications associated with ovarian cysts that a person suffering from them has to undergo. Hence, if you feel that you might have any symptoms associated with this condition, you should immediately go for a pelvic check up. In cases where an ovarian cyst grows to a very big size can lead to lot of pain in the abdomen. These cysts also create a sort of pressure on the bladder which might lead to frequent urination or the urge to urinate more frequently. The treatment of these complications of ovarian cysts can be handled through the holistic approach.
There is another reason why it is so important to get yourself checked for the condition of ovarian cysts. Though in most cases ovarian cysts are benign in nature yet in some cases women do develop complicated forms of ovarian cysts which are not that common. It is these uncommon forms of cysts that give rise to various forms of complications and problems. It is also been noted that sometimes the symptoms of an ovarian cyst have been mistaken as the symptoms of pregnancy. In fact many women have realized the truth only after they had severe bleeding which they mistook for a miscarriage and when for a checkup.
It is not that only a malignant cyst can cause complications, but cysts that do cause complications are not benign in nature. And it is only at a very late stage that you might be able to realize the pain or the symptoms of the cyst. Ovarian cysts can also affect the fertility of the patient. There might be cases where a cyst occurs when the patient has already reached her menopause, in such cases complications are bound to occur and most of these cysts turn cancerous.
Let us now know some more about the various types of non-benign cysts that are known to cause more complications than the other types.
(1) The Dermoid Ovarian Cysts: These cysts are formed by the same cells that produce the human eggs. Because of this reason, these cysts at times contain teeth, hair skin or many other types of human tissues. This condition can become very painful if the cysts becomes very large in size and also these cysts have a tendency to twist over themselves which makes the condition even more painful.
(2) Endometriomas: This particular cyst develops from the cells of the uterus that grow on the lining outside the uterus and might get attached to the ovary.
(3) Cystadenomas: These cysts grow up to be as big as 12 inches in size. They cause various kinds of complications and can even cause the ovary to twist which is a very painful condition. These cysts are filled with fluids.
Complications also depend on the type of the ovarian cyst. The non functional cysts cause complications, may be because the benign or functional cysts can be easily treated with medicines and surgery. Also, sometimes in rare cases the cyst develops its own set of complications which makes it different from any particular category of cysts and also makes diagnosis and the treatment difficult. Also, ovarian cysts cause a lot of pain and discomfort during intercourse, and it might also lead to bleeding in fact.
But all these complications related to ovarian cysts can be treated. But most of the conventional treatments focus only on the symptoms rather than on the root cause of the problem. The holistic approach on the other hand emphasizes the need to eliminate the root cause of the ovarian cysts instead of just treating the symptoms. The root cause of the ovarian cyst may vary from obesity to a weak immune system, accumulation of toxics in the digestive system, genetics and poor diet and various other health related issues.
Thus, in order to completely get rid of the complications of the ovarian cysts you need to remove the root cause of the cysts, and for that reason the best approach would be the holistic approach.
Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Mary Parker?s Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts
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