Many women suffer from cysts in their ovaries. In fact, functional cysts are quite common in most of them. But that does not mean they should immediately go for surgery in order to remove them. A change in lifestyle, few doses of 'birth control pills' or better still, a holistic approach can easily cure the disease condition for good. Advising them to go for ovarian cyst surgery for such cases may sound like suggesting a trip to the moon to spend a weekend!
However, ovarian cyst surgery becomes imperative in certain cases that include cystadenoma cyst, dermoid cyst, endometrioma cyst or Chocolate cyst and 'polycystic ovarian cyst' as also cancerous cysts. In short, cysts which are likely to burst, may turn septic or become so enlarged like Mucinous Cystadenoma cysts that can take the form of biggest tumors in women often weighing approximately 328 lb or around 149 kg obviously needs surgery for their removal,
These cysts sometime become life-threatening too and so, should be removed from the system as quickly as possible. Since surgery is the only way of doing this, one may have no other alternative but to opt for it. Barring cancerous cysts that must be removed through surgery, one should bear in mind that surgical removal of cysts not only has some amount of trauma attached to it, it provides no guarantee that cysts will not reappear even after they have been surgically removed.
Types of ovarian cyst surgery available now
Despite the trauma, emotional disturbance and the risks involved, surgical procedure becomes essential in cases described above. However, there are several types of ovarian cyst surgery available now for the benefit of the patients that include:
(A) Cystectomy that aims at removing the offending cyst without disturbing the ovary. Here the surgeon carefully removes the cyst, keeping the ovary intact, so that fertility remains for the rest of the woman's childbearing age.
(B) Sometimes the ovary needs to be removed altogether. This of course needs to be done if the cyst is more serious in nature and the problem keeps coming back. However there is an emotional factor attached here as the woman needs to deal with the fact that she will be unable to bear a child again. The problem is worse of course if she is still fertile. This often leads to trauma. However the good news is, even after the ovaries are removed the woman can still remain fertile, and hope to have a child, particularly with so many fertility clinics and their efforts.
(C) Open surgery that is performed by the surgeon by making an incision in the abdomen of the patient and scooping out the cyst from near the ovary. Although the prognosis is fairly good in this process and the surgeon can have a good 'look' at all the reproductive organs of the patient, the process of healing of the wound takes time and may sometimes involve undesirable complication.
(D) Laparoscopic surgery that is much favored now since it is fairly painless and less stressful. In this case, a comparatively small incision is made through which a Laparoscope with a light source and minute camera is inserted within the patient's abdomen that transmits the image of the ovary along with cysts attached to it onto the computer screen in front of the attending surgeon. By way of monitoring the laparoscope, the surgeon can easily remove the cyst if the ovary is not also affected. Otherwise, the ovary can also be removed in the same process.
Ovarian cyst surgery is often a traumatic experience for most women. This surgery may be avoided, if one takes some precautions. Besides, an appropriate form of treatment right from the very beginning can ensure that one remains free from the clutches of ovarian cysts and resultant surgery. However, ovarian cyst surgery can be imperative in some of the cases described above. Nevertheless, holistic approach can make a world of difference to one's condition, enabling her to cure ovarian cysts and prevent surgery in the bargain.
Ovarian cyst surgery should be the last resort really after everything else has failed. Do try out holistic remedies as these are indeed the most effective in treating the problem. Holistic remedies treat the body as a whole and finds out all the contributing factors that cause the cyst and then treats all of them individually. This is better than conventional medications that never go deep into the causes and just treats the symptoms. This is why with conventional methods, the cyst often reappears.
Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.To Learn More About Mary Parker?s Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts
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