Ovarian cysts are basically small sacs that have fluids within them and they occur inside the female ovary. Most of these cysts are benign in nature i.e. they do not lead to any harm. However in some cases complications like rupturing, bleeding and pain might occur. Surgery is one the ways that can help get rid of the cysts.

Physiological cysts in the ovary

In the ovary of any woman who is in the child bearing age and is not on birth control pills, cystic structures keep coming and going. They are required for the development and release of the egg. Since they are a part of the general function of the ovary, they are termed 'physiological' in nature.

During the first part of the 28 day cycle, the still maturing egg is carried to the surface of the ovary that contains a cystic structure known as 'follicle'. The follicle is not only responsible for carrying the egg, it is also responsible for the manufacture of the estrogen. Estrogen on its part is responsible for stimulating the uterine lining's growth. The intrauterine allows the fertilized egg to be implanted and it also develops the embryo. During the period of ovulation the follicle's size is that of an olive. The egg is released when the follicle ruptures. The fluid within the follicle, which is a clear substance till now is replaced by blood which follows the rupture. Progesterone's secretion begins after this happens. A yellow colored substance starts forming during this stage.

If pregnancy doesn't take place during this time, the yellow object tends to get a bit scarred. Corpus luteum is the name given to this cystic structure. These are generally small in size. In some cases this process gets a bit unusual. These physiologic structures are filled with follicular fluid or blood and it grows in size. It might lead to pain or it might not. These cysts cause irregularity of the menstrual cycle. But these cysts have the tendency to leak, and even twist the ovary; this can lead to a painful situation. Surgery might become inevitable if the ultra sound shows that the cyst has become enlarged.

Pathological cysts in the ovary

The cystic formations that are developed during the period of ovulation do not form a part of the cycle. They are called 'pathological ovarian cysts'. These growths may also be called 'tumors'. Tumors can be classified in two broad categories: malignant or cancerous in nature and the other being benign. These ovarian cysts are of many types. Some cysts have within them mucous, and some have old blood. There is no regression, and this is the biggest negative point of these pathological cysts. The fluid's accumulation can be very rapid and hence the cyst's growth is also very rapid. They might grow large within months or sometimes even within weeks.

Ovarian cysts - reasons

During an ultrasound the ovarian cysts resemble a bubble. The cyst is actually nothing but fluids enclosed within a wall that is quite slim. They are called 'Simple Cyst' or 'Functional Cyst'. If the follicle do not rupture and there is no release of the egg, the fluid remains within and this may form into a cyst in the ovary and might affect one of the ovaries. Tiny cysts are normally present when the follicles are being formed.

Adverse effects

Ovarian cysts may be seen in any woman, no matter what the age. Research has proved that most cases of cysts in the ovary are benign in nature (which means they are non cancerous), they are neither related to any disease. In fact, many cysts disappear on their own in just a few weeks of their appearance. Ovarian cysts can be classifies in two broad categories: cancerous and non cancerous. Ovarian cancer does show the occurrence of cysts, but in normal conditions cysts denote a harmless condition. Some ovarian cysts include dermoid cyst, hemorrhagic cyst, Corpus Luteum cyst, follicular cyst and others.

Holistic approach

In today's modern world you can choose from various medication alternatives to get a cure for ovarian cysts. But none of these guarantee 100% success. In fact, the holistic system is the only one that cures ovarian cysts completely. The holistic approach is also free of any kind of side effects. Hence you can trust the holistic approach completely. The holistic approach eradicates the root cause of the ovarian cyst thus, completely eliminating the chance of their recurrence. The holistic approach believes in an overall approach covering every aspect of physical fitness, mental health and spiritual growth as well.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

To Learn More About Mary Parker's Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts