Ovarian cysts prevention may be a somewhat difficult proposition. Some are of the opinion that the probability of ovarian cysts developing can be drastically reduced if one can stop ovulation. This is the reason why birth control pills are widely prescribed by doctors the world over for ovarian cysts prevention.

According to statistics revealed by various surveys and studies, women who regularly take birth control pills have been shown to have a lesser propensity to develop ovarian cysts. However, opinions vary in this regard and there are many experts who strongly discredit the idea of taking pills for ovarian cysts prevention. This is because stopping ovulation could lead to other forms of complications like PCOS and multiple cysts. This only makes the matter worse.

Discussing the pros and cons of these methods, and trying to understand the truth in such views is beyond the scope of this article. Nonetheless, as common says would have it, it is important that every problem be dealt with keeping in mind the factors that cause it. Therefore it is important to keep the factors that cause ovarian cysts in our clear perspective in order to understand how to deal with them. This is where the holistic approach comes into the picture.

It has been shown that two of the main causes of ovarian cysts are genetic factors and dietary habits. Besides these, a weakened immune system, presence of toxins that might have collected in the digestive tract or even obesity or resistance to insulin can cause ovarian cysts to appear.

Other than the genetic reasons, lifestyle related factors largely determine whether someone will get ovarian cysts or not. It is worth noting that implementing a few simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in substantially reducing the risk of getting the condition. In fact, even some of the genetic causes can be effectively marginalized and a great leap be taken towards ovarian cysts prevention by adopting these lifestyle changes as it genetic factors do not express themselves unless there is the right type of environment or stimulus to trigger them. The need of the hour is to adopt what is called the holistic approach and get ready for complete and effective ovarian cysts prevention. Remember, holistic approach is also strongly recommended for the treatment of ovarian cysts, and not just for its prevention.

Here are a few ways in which ovarian cysts prevention can be practiced:

* Add plenty of raw vegetables into your diet; however, vegetables with a high amount of starch content in them should be avoided as far as possible.

* Try to cut down on your intake of dairy products and products that contain soy. In fact, some extreme views suggest their complete exclusion from the diet. Consult with your doctor before starting on a new diet plan or making any significant changes to your existing one.

* Besides these there should be a constant effort to eat foodstuffs that are pure, unprocessed and have the highest quality. Such a practice will greatly help in reducing the chances of developing a malignant ovarian cyst. Organically cultivated vegetables, fruits and meat are highly recommended. Some of the good options include seafood and fish originating from fresh water, and meat that is organically produced and comes from animals that are fed with lean grass. Freshly prepared fruit juice is another great choice. Packaged and canned foodstuffs containing artificial preservatives are best avoided.

* Drawing on the belief of "A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body", the holistic approach strongly recommends regular exercise to stay fit and healthy, and in the process, significantly reduce the risk of getting ovarian cysts.

* If possible, a periodic detoxification therapy (detox therapy) to eliminate all the toxins from your body can lead to excellent results.

* It is important to get yourself checked for ovarian cysts as frequently as possible. Talk with your doctor about the right frequency of these checks and follow his instructions diligently. This is all the more significant if you have a family member who has suffered from ovarian cysts because genetic factors are one of the major causes of ovarian cysts in women. Thus, for example, if your mother or aunts have suffered from ovarian cysts, you should exercise extra caution and initiate a routine of getting yourself checked on a regular basis. Regular checks may not prevent you from getting a case of ovarian cysts, but they can certainly aid in early detection and thus, lead to faster recovery.

In the final analysis, there should be a constant and sincere effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle and create a healthy balance. This is, quite simply, the best ovarian cysts prevention you can practice. A great way to get started is to get in touch with your dietitian and plan out a good diet, along with a fitness regime with your fitness trainer. A healthy lifestyle largely removes the need for medication and in this way, you are saved from possible side effects that these medicines might have. Following a regime that adheres to the natural way of maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle always makes better sense. After all, this is what constitutes the core essence of the holistic approach.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

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