U O Clear 500 mg 60 Capsules

There is some helpful info & testimonials for this product at www.magiherbs.com . I have endometriosis and lost one of my ovaries and fallopian tubes to endo-cysts.Before my surgery I was in severe pain each day because the scar tissue from the endometriosis was strangling my colon.After the surgery I was prescribed some very expensive shots that put me into a temporary menopause(mood swings and hot flashes galore).Of course, the cysts and pain came back over time.This product is a much better and less expensive alternative to going through that living hell again.The pain and discomfort from my newest batch of cysts went away almost immediately after using this product and my periods are lighter and less painful by far. I would recommend this product to anyone who has any sort of female problems.It really does work.

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