IUD Shifting? Ovarian Cyst?

I have my paragard almost a year with absolutely no problems until yesterday, had dinner. My SO and I rarely have time for sexy time, in our hectic week, and last night we had a quick, rough sex after a week without sexual contact. I noticed that when he first me, it was a strange feeling, pressure-type. Then, about 5 minutes later I got a sharp pain HUGE (on the right side of my uterus area), which encouraged me to spread and rectum. I was completely unable to move, had chills, and was light headed. The pain was so intense that I crawled into bed and fell asleep. I awoke two hours later with the same stomach ache, but my cramps had subsided considerably less than menstrual cramps level. The only time that it was really hurt in my uterus area, when I went to the toilet. My past time is taking time, but "strange" since only spotting, (which is not normal for me was mostly it's like opening the floodgates's! Yikes!), So I have 2 pregnancy tests 2 weeks in 1.5 and was entitled to the odd time and are both negative. I think that's enough ectopic closes.

Fast forward to today: I have sensitive breasts, the same urine, pain with bowel movements ... etc. These are all symptoms ovarian cyst rupture match. I have not ruled out the possibility of my IUD displacement. What do you think? Have any of you ladies had a lot cyst / bursting cyst? When I think about pain, I would head over the ER, but right now I feel like this is a kind of overkill. I take pain medication, which manages my pain and my stomach cramps are almost reduced to zero. Thoughts? Advice? I'm so worried.