To Dissolve the Uterine Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts

He Sanskrit word pranayama consists in''Prana''significa life force e''Ayama''che shows restraint. Prana is not only the breath is cosmic energy. Breath is the gross manifestation of Prana which is fine.

Just as we are immersed in the air we are immersed in Prana. When we breathe the air, we are taking the air and Prana. The process by which the Prana is controlled is known as Pranayama.

Pranayama is generally associated with the control and regulation of the process of respiration. Then mobilized and stabilized the life force within.

The maximum amount of air the lungs can hold is about 6 liters. In a fully effective maturity may expel about 5 liters in one go. When we breathe normally, only 1 / 2 liter of air flows in and out of the body with every breath.

The amount of fresh air that can enter the lungs depends on the degree of practice evacuation.Regular Power-Pranayama ensure adequate oxygenation of all body parts and cure many diseases.

Adequate oxygenation helps to purify the blood and eliminate toxins and carbon dioxide from the body. Pure blood allows the smooth functioning of all organs and, therefore, increasing the vigor and vitality.

Power-Pranayama Pranayama is a powerful, if it is practiced regularly in the morning on an empty stomach, all uterine fibroids ovarian cysts, and blocks the fallopian tubes will be dissolved and liquidated within 45 days with the result of 90%.

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