Ovarian cysts are common in women at age of reproductive years. 90% of women at that age have ovarian cysts depending on the severity of the condition. Contrary with popular opinion cysts are not contagious and the vast majority will not lead into cancerous condition.

However, you should be aware since ovarian cysts can cause swelling leaving painful excruciating pain. Let's discuss how you can get rid of ovarian cysts using entirely natural methods.

1. Look For Signs and Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts

Before it is too late, look for signs and symptoms. It is better to cure your ovarian cysts early on; the early symptoms you might want to recognize are painful feeling during bowel movement, abdominal bloating and swelling, also any changes in menstrual pattern can be an indicator of ovarian cysts.

2. Kill The Pain

Having ovarian cysts can be excruciatingly painful, if you visit doctor; you will be give a pain reliever to help ease your pain. But it can leave only temporary result, and worse than that the consumption of synthetic chemical over a long period of time can weaken your immune system.

Some example of pain relievers are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

Since there are side effects with long term use of synthetic drugs, you should consider using natural pain relievers whenever possible. Examples of natural pain relievers are herbal tea and raspberry tea.

3. Treat Ovarian Cysts

Depending on the cause of your ovarian cysts, a vast majority of ovarian cysts can be treated using natural cure effectively. The successful of your medication will depend on a combination of various factors such as your diet habit, you immune system, and the herbal remedies.

Get rid of caffeine and meat as much as you can, since these two will cause your ovarian cysts to worsen. If your immune system is the problem, then eat a lot of food rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. Also consider to consume food containing dark leafy vegetables and grain foods.

Stress level also can influence your ovarian cysts. Some women have their ovarian cysts more painful during high stress level. Take a meditation class or do your hobby or anything that can reduce your stress level, it will help ease and cure your ovarian cysts.

Look for signs and symptoms, quickly cure your ovarian cysts right away whenever you recognize the symptom. Herbal tea and raspberry tea can help ease the pain caused by ovarian cysts.

The result of your treatment will depend on a combination of several factors such as daily habit, lifestyle, immune system and herbal remedies.

If you are looking for a natural ovarian cyst cure, I recommend checking out Ovarian Cyst No more, a natural treatment guide by Mary Parker. Click here for my Mary Parker Ovarian Cyst No More review .

The rupture of ovarian cysts is a very frequent occurrence for women while menstruating. These ovarian cysts often do not present any symptoms and go away by themselves. However, in other instances the arrival of ovarian cysts may be a reason for greater concern.

Ovarian Cysts That Rupture

There is a danger of an ovarian cyst breaking if it is not identified only enough. An ovarian cyst that breaks results in serious pain and can also turn into grave medical complications. An ovarian cyst that ruptures can also bring on both hemorrhage and infection. If the cyst does not go away of its own accord, then a doctor might take the decision to remove it using surgery. The doctor would take a sample to test for possible malignancy of the ovarian cyst. The severe and complex difficulties that the rupture of an ovarian cyst can cause may be avoided if you have an examination rapidly after even a small indication of an ovarian cyst. If you think that you have an ovarian cyst, then it is crucial to seek consultation with a specialized physician to identify and find any symptoms as rapidly as possible and thus avoid any serious medical problems.

Indications Concerning Ovarian Cysts

Danger signs concerning ovarian cysts may comprise periods that are painful or perturbed, pain during sexual intercourse or when making bowel, and abdominal pain which might also move into the thighs and the buttocks. The pelvic examination routine is generally what permits ovarian cysts to be discovered. In this instance a doctor will generally look at a cyst for a period of about one month using ultrasound to see if the cyst will go away of its own accord. If this does not happen or if further pain or other symptoms come about, then a doctor would conduct tests to find out if the cyst is a threat.

Ovarian Cysts - Recognizing Symptoms

Severe pain can be caused by a cyst that ruptures, but this can also lead to grave medical complications. A cyst that has broken open will show symptoms very similar to that of a normal ovarian cyst. In both cases, severe pain is the common element. Because ovarian cysts often arise without symptoms for many women and may even go away by themselves without medical intervention, the downside is that grave complications may also come about. These could include the cyst rupturing or organs being subjected to pressure or torsion. However women with ruptured ovarian cysts often experience symptoms such as pain not only during menstruation, but in particular just before or after. This pain is described by sufferers as sharp and piercing especially in the lower part of the abdomen when such a cyst breaks open. The other consequence of an ovarian cyst rupturing is the abdomen becoming distended or sensitive.

Ovarian Cysts - Making a Diagnosis

For sufferers in a critical condition arriving at the emergency department, the stabilization of their condition is first done by the medical team while diagnosis of the ovarian cyst rupture is accomplished. An emergency gynecologist or physician can use a variety of diagnostic tests to find out about the ovarian cysts rupture. The doctor will do a test on your blood to find out from a number of variables about your condition. Your hematocrit level will also be checked to see how many red blood cells you have. A hematocrit level that is lessened may suggest that significant internal bleeding has caused anemia. A urine test is also done to see if any pus or blood has been generated from the ovaries that might be due to a ruptured ovarian cyst causing infection or information. Also important is a pregnancy test. The explanation for this is that indications of pregnancy in the fallopian tubes are also very frequent when ovarian cysts rupture: this is known as ectopic pregnancy.

Treating Ovarian Cysts

As ovarian cysts occur frequently, many online information sites exist which can help understand more about ovarian cysts and correct treatment. Women should therefore seek to educate themselves about ovarian cysts that might break open in either an asymptomatic or a malignant way. However, as different techniques exist for ovarian cysts, it is important to know that some may be expensive and others may only seek to alleviate a symptom rather than resolve a problem. The treatment should be made according to the real reason of the problem with a cyst to make sure that the difficulty is resolved permanently. If you need a real answer to an ovarian cyst rupture, then the right choice is a holistic program.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

To Learn More About Mary Parker?s Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts

Overview Of An Ovarian Cyst

Posted by pocketray | 9:47 AM

Each month, during your normal menstrual cycle, a cystic structure known as a follicle forms. The follicles secrete estrogen and progesterone which stimulate the release of a mature egg from your ovary. In some instances, the follicle continues to grow and becomes known as an ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cysts are relatively common in all women who continue to experience menstruation. In many instances, ovarian cysts are completely asymptomatic: a woman will not experience any pain or other signs or symptoms which alert her to the fact that she has a cyst. Most ovarian cysts will resolve, even without treatment, after one or two menstrual cycles.

An ovarian cyst may be simple, or complex. A simple ovarian cyst contains only fluid, however a complex ovarian cyst contains both fluid and solid contents. Follicular cysts and corpus Graafian cysts are both simple, functional cysts. Complex ovarian cysts may be one of several types, namely; dermoid cysts, endometriomas and cystadenomas. Complex ovarian cysts have greater potential to develop into a malignancy, and treatment for complex ovarian cysts is often less conservative for this reason.

In many instances, asymptomatic ovarian cysts will be discovered as part of a routine pelvic examination or an ultrasound that has been ordered for another purpose. It is usual for an ovarian cyst that is small and favorably located to be observed over several menstrual cycles, to see if it resolves on its own. Sometimes, ovarian cysts do cause obvious signs. These include irregular or painful periods, pain during sexual intercourse or when passing a bowel movement, or pain in the abdomen which may radiate to the thighs and buttocks.

Whilst ovarian cysts may at first be diagnosed by a manual pelvic examination, this diagnosis will usually be confirmed by performing an ultrasound. This non-invasive technique will allow your doctor to understand the size, composition and location of your ovarian cyst. It is also likely that you will be asked to undertake a pregnancy test, as your doctor will want to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. A blood test is also likely: your doctor will test for the CA 125 antigen, which is present when a cyst is malignant, but also indicates the presence of pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis.

Treatment for your cyst will depend on your age, the type of cyst, its location, size and speed of growth. Sometimes ovarian cysts can cause complications; they may rupture, which in turn may cause internal bleeding, shock or peritonitis. They may also become large enough to cause your ovaries to twist, which causes extreme discomfort.

In certain circumstances, your doctor may believe that the best option is for surgical removal of your ovarian cyst. Laparoscopy is a more conservative, "key hole" surgery, where three small incisions are made in your abdomen. Small surgical instruments are inserted through these incisions. In other cases, your doctor may perform a more traditional surgery, where a larger incision is made in the abdomen and the surgery is "open". It is typical for your doctor to send any removed cystic tissue for biopsy during your laparoscopy or open surgery. If this tissue is deemed to be malignant, your doctor may wish to remove some of your reproductive organs, including your ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus. The circumstances under which an oopherectomy (removal of ovaries) or hysterectomy (removal of uterus) will occur will be discussed with you prior to the surgery.

Recovery from surgery is usually rapid and complete, however actual recovery times will differ depending on the type of surgery you have experienced. Your ongoing prognosis is likely to be very good, although if you have not had your ovaries removed; it is common for cysts to reoccur.

Learn more about the Ruptured Ovarian Cyst and more ovarian cyst information at http://www.RupturedOvarianCyst.com

In general ovarian cysts are relatively common among women. Most ovarian cysts are harmless and require little or no treatment, disappearing on their own. Complex ovarian cysts in contrast are more uncommon and can result in serious complications and symptoms.

The more serious health risks accompanied with complex ovarian cysts are generally due to both their make up and their size. Where as a regular ovarian cyst is only filled with fluid, the complex ovarian cyst has both solid and liquid components. There are three types of complex ovarian cysts: Endometrioma, Eermoid and Cystadenomas cysts.

Endometrioma cysts, also known as "chocolate cysts" is a cyst in the ovary that is lined with endometriosis. The endometrioma cyst grows each month as a result of the endometriosis growing and shedding, this is where the "chocolate fluid" starts to accumulate and the cyst grows. This type of cyst can be devastating to a woman's reproductive function, resulting in extensive adhesion formation and damage to the fallopian tubes which is irreversible. An Endometrioma cyst can grow in size comparable with a grapefruit. Symptoms include considerable pain before and after the menstrual cycle, irregular menstrual periods, pain during intercourse and fatigue.

Demoid cysts are formed from a germ that is in the ovary; many times this germ is present at birth. These types of cysts grow very slowly and are rarely cancerous, 98% being benign. Demoid cysts often contain hair, teeth, muscle, bone, tissue and glands. As the ovarian cyst grows they can become painful, possibly twisting the ovaries or rupturing.

There are two types of Cystadenomas cysts; Serous cystadenomas, which are filled with a thin watery fluid and Musinous cystadenomas which are filled with a sticky, thick gelatinous material. Serous can grow to average of 2 to 6 inches in diameter, while the Musinous can become quite large and grow between 6 to 12 inches in diameter. Both types can cause twisting of the ovary resulting in extreme pain.

When an ovarian cyst is discovered to be of the complex type, they need to be evaluated through testing by your doctor to determine if they are cancerous. Even though not all complex ovarian cysts are cancerous, the possibility needs to be ruled out. Many times the only way to deal with complex ovarian cysts is by having them surgically removed.

If you suffer from painful Ovarian Cysts and are tired of them ruining your life, discover how you can cure them now. Visit http://ovariancystfacts.com if you are serious about learning how to cure your ovarian cysts permanently.

Clearly enlisting ovarian cyst symptoms is a difficult proposition. The main reason behind this difficulty is that ovarian cysts can display very few to no symptoms. Ovarian cysts are often discovered accidentally during a Routine Physical Exam or can be chanced upon during ultrasound, which might be performed for various reasons. Let's take a closer look at some of these symptoms:

Prominent symptoms

Some of the most prominent ovarian cyst symptoms include sudden or recurring pain in the lower pelvis or abdominal region of varying severity, irregularity in periods, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, persistent pain around the pelvic girdle during periods which might be experienced in the lower back region too, pelvic pain felt after sexual intercourse or strenuous exercise, difficulty or abnormal pain experienced with bowel movements or during urination, a feeling of nausea and vomiting, vaginal blood spots or pain in the vagina, tenderness and pain in the breasts and abnormal weight gain.

The above mentioned ovarian cyst syndromes are generic in nature. These symptoms might also result from endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or ectopic pregnancy. This necessitates a proper treatment and an accurate diagnosis.

Serious cases

Advanced cases of ovarian cysts can pose a greater threat to health with symptoms like light-headedness or dizziness, fatigue, harsh abdominal pain, fever, rapid breathing and/or shortness of breath and so on. Should any of these problems be encountered, it is advisable to consult the doctor without delay. Over the last few decades, medical sciences have advanced tremendously, and be assured that there are excellent treatment options and medication available to cure even the most severe cases of ovarian cysts.

Today, there is no dearth of treatments for ovarian cysts. Countless women around the globe still rely on home-based self-care measures and are getting excellent results. These measures include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Motrin (ibuprofen), Tylenol (acetaminophen), or other medicines that are used to combat narcotic pain. Putting a check on strenuous activities also help in the reduction of possible torsion or a rupture of the cysts. The cysts are often monitored by using modern endovaginal ultrasound or ultrasonic techniques. However, few such measures can really beat the effectiveness of adopting a holistic approach towards treating ovarian cysts.


An ovarian cyst that has grown large can bring about a great degree of abdominal discomfort. A large cyst often tends to press against the bladder causing you to urinate more frequently (due to the reduced capacity of the bladder). There can be cases involving less common kinds of cysts that show virtually no symptoms in women. Your doctor usually discovers them by chance during a regular pelvic examination. Beware of large masses of ovarian cysts that tend to develop after a woman reaches menopause. They could turn out to be cancerous. These factors stress the importance of getting a pelvic examination on a regular basis.

A word of caution

Symptoms alone cannot ascertain the presence of ovarian cysts in women. In some cases, symptoms may be completely absent. There is also a possibility of ovarian cysts showing symptoms that are usually associated with other diseases, such as pelvic disease of inflammation, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, or ectopic pregnancy. Ruptured ovarian cysts can produce symptoms that are akin to those produced by diverticulitis and appendicitis. It is always advisable to look into and medically investigate any symptom without delay. If the symptoms mentioned in the first two paragraphs are present, there is a very high chance of presence of ovarian cysts. Consult your doctor immediately without delay if you experience pain followed by vomiting or fever, and any severe or sudden pain in the abdomen or pelvic region.

Holistic approach

Holistic approach is the new buzzword in the medical world today and it is fast gaining popularity everywhere. Adopting this approach is beneficial in cases involving ovarian cysts too. As a 'Health Concept', holism has a very long history. It is only recently that there has been a conscious effort to merge this alternative mode of treatment into the medical mainstream. Holistic approach not only cures ovarian cysts completely, but also provides a deep sense of peace, both at the physical level as well as the mental level. Holistic approach is not so much a way of treatment as it is an approach towards the explanation of application of treatment. Adopting a holistic approach in the early state of ovarian cysts can really work miracles.

The essence of holistic approach lies in the belief of 'A Healthy Mind in a Healthy body'. The approach is potentially very powerful and it not only prevents ovarian cysts in the first place, but also cures them. One of the primary features of the approach is its focus on diet. A wholesome balanced diet is the key to a healthy body as well as a strong resistance to the onslaught of various diseases. The balanced diet advocated by holistic approach includes plenty of leafy and green vegetables, fruits, proteins and minerals. Substances rich in fat and excessive intake of carbohydrates are best avoided. Proper cleanliness of the body and its surrounding are to be strictly maintained. With these simple measures, you can bid farewell to all ovarian cyst symptoms forever.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

To Learn More About Mary Parker's Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are an increasingly common gynaecological problem, particularly in women between the ages of 30 and 60. Most types of ovarian cysts are harmless and go away without any treatment, but when this does not happen, problems can occur.

An ovarian cyst is a sac or pouch that develops in or on the ovary. The contents of the cyst are usually fluid but can also be solid material, or a combination of both. Cysts may grow quietly and go unnoticed until they are found on routine examination. However, if they become large enough, the following symptoms may arise:

- Intense abdominal pain - Menstrual changes such as late periods, bleeding between periods or irregular periods - Heavy menstrual flow - Infertility - Internal bleeding - Severe menstrual cramps - Pain with sexual intercourse - Pain during a bowel movement - Weight gain

The most common way to deal with ovarian cysts is the conventional medical approach.

Conventional treatment options are limited, and they all fail to take account of the stress involved for the patient. Therefore, more and more women are turning towards alternate forms of treatments for curing ovarian cysts.

The Conventional medical approach to ovarian cysts is very simple. Firstly, your medical practitioner will try to recognize the symptoms. Those symptoms listed above are the textbook symptoms of ovarian cysts. However, sometimes, ovarian cysts do not give rise to any symptoms, and are only discovered inadvertently during routine gynaecological examination.

Secondly, he will confirm his diagnosis. There are different ways of diagnosing ovarian cysts. A conventional doctor will use some or all of: endovaginal ultrasound (using a probe inserted into the vagina), CT scanning (a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays), laparoscopy (a procedure that allows your surgeon to examine the fallopian tubes, ovaries and womb), blood tests and many other forms of tests to confirm his suspicions. Even before treatment, the diagnosis process itself can be very traumatic.

Thirdly, the treatment. The treatment for ovarian cysts will depend upon the type of the cyst and its nature. The 3 conventional options available are:

1. Wait and see: Provided that the cyst is benign (non-cancerous) and the patient is not suffering pain, a wait and see approach will be adopted. The diagnostic tests outlined above will continue to be used periodically to monitor the condition.

2. Birth control pills: Some doctors believe birth control pills repress ovarian cysts, and can also reduce the size of the follicles and so help to reduce the size of existing cysts.

3. Surgery: If the cysts are persistent or increasing in size, then surgery is likely to be recommended. Surgery will again depend upon the type of cyst and the resulting complications. Usually, the cyst is all that is removed. However, in a significant minority of cases, the ovaries may be removed to get rid of the cyst.

The conventional medical approach to ovarian cysts has several problems. Birth control pills have many potential side effects, including weight gain, mood swings, nausea, and headaches. Also, the effectiveness of the birth control pill as a treatment for an existing cyst is greatly disputed, particularly outside conventional medicine.

Surgery obviously always carries its own risks, and there can be particular risks associated with any surgery on the reproductive organs. Also, conventional treatment does not fully cure ovarian cysts and the surgery may actually increase the chances of ovarian cysts in the long run.

For these reasons, conventional medical treatment is often not considered to be an appropriate form of treatment for ovarian cysts. A multidimensional approach is required to deal with the disease. This can be provided only by a holistic approach. The holistic approach targets the root causes of the disease rather than the symptoms, and so is a much more effective cure for ovarian cysts.

Since the holistic approach targets the key causes of the condition, the woman can recover quickly. The approach is comprehensive and rather than a generic solution, it treats every case individually. Because of this, no matter how severe the problem or the complications, any woman suffering with ovarian cysts can be cured.

Conventional medical treatment often fails in this respect. The underlying problem must be solved for any lasting remedy. Until this is achieved, the problem will remain. The holistic approach is the best form of treatment for permanently removing ovarian cysts.

More information can be found in the book, "Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets" by Laura Hennings. After suffering for 6 long years from crippling pain caused by ovarian cysts, and having been totally failed by conventional medicine, Laura took matters into her own hands. She is now totally cyst free, and is dedicated to creating the ultimate holistic ovarian cyst solution for others, guaranteed to permanently cure all types of ovarian cysts. Learn more by visiting her website: http://ovarian-cysts-no-more.com

The phrase 'ovarian cyst' is an emotive one. Ovarian cysts are however common in women especially at the time of menstruation. When menstruating, women will typically develop small egg or fluid-filled cysts around the ovaries. As the menstrual cycle is accomplished, the cysts rupture to release eggs into the fallopian tubes. A number of different factors may contribute to the formation of ovarian cysts and their different types.

A woman's health may be in danger if cysts are found to be cancerous. Several types of ovarian cysts may be a risk to a woman's well being. A test for pap smears is required to understand whether a cyst is malignant or not. The kind of cyst that is typically harmless is called a functional cyst. This kind of cyst typically does not generate symptoms. They exist without generating any particular symptoms. However, ovarian cysts can also generate intense pain and suffering as symptoms.

Cysts in relation to the Corpus Luteum

A gland connected to the ovary generates progesterone after an egg has been released in order to help the uterus prepare itself for pregnancy. This gland is the 'Corpus Luteum'. Corpus Luteums that are in good health are glands that have a diameter of about 1in., are round, and are filled with fluid. In relation to this a cyst as a growth has a diameter of about half an inch.

Cysts may form on the Corpus Luteum, but in general they are asymptomatic. In many instances, such cysts clear by themselves from the corpus luteum without the need for further treatment. They may come at the end of the menstrual cycle of a woman. Such cysts also occur frequently in the early phases of a pregnancy.

The Hemorrhagic Cyst

A cyst may also be called a 'hemorrhagic cyst' if it is a functional cyst that contains or releases blood. These 'hemorrhagic cysts' are frequent but they do not necessarily rupture. Typically treatment is not required. Such hemorrhagic cysts fall into the general classification of functional cysts. Most women experience such hemorrhagic cysts at some moments in their life. A generic burning sensation in the pelvic area may occur if there is leaking of blood from a cyst. If endometriosis occurs, then a doctor may recommend surgery. Other names such as blood cyst, hematocysts and hematoceles also exist for hemorrhagic cysts.

Typically hemorrhagic sys disappear by themselves. There may be a need for surgical operation. Sometimes they will vanish without surgery, but if you elect for the surgical removal of an ovarian cyst then you should also realize the possible complications. Hemorrhagic cysts may cause pain abdominally on each side of the body. They will probably also cause bleeding and distension of the ovary walls. This may also result in pain. In this case blood clots typically form within the ovary. A sonogram can be used to see these.

Dermoid Cyst

This kind of ovarian cyst generally results from a germ cell that is situated in the ovaries. The other more common name for this is a totipotential germ cell. This basic cell is involved in the generation of tissues such as bones, hair and teeth. When a dermoid cyst grows in the context of a totipotential cell, other cells may also be created. These then lead to mature structures and tissues that can be recognized as bone, teeth, head, neutral tissue and sebaceous secretions. Therefore, dermoid cysts contain a wide range of different types of solid tissues. Such cysts are typically benign. They generally consist of a variety of thyroid, bones, teeth and hair tissues.

The dimensions of dermoid cysts can range from half an inch to 17in. (1cm to 45cm). Dermoid cysts are not favored by one particular age more than any other. However the most chance of detecting such cysts exists during the years of reproductivity. Women in this case have an average age of 30. Approximately fifteen percent of women have such ovarian teratomas in their ovaries.

Ovarian teratomas or just dermoids are the other names for dermoid cysts. The cysts can twist the ovary and interfere with the blood supply. If the ovary is being subjected to twisting because of a cyst, an emergency situation may arise. In this case surgery may be mandatory. Dermoid cyst ruptures will be more likely to happen if the cyst is larger. Typical problems following rupture are pain and adhesion. It is the patient's choice whether a dermoid cyst is removed or not. Open surgery that is laparotomy, or using a scope meaning laparoscopy can be used to do this.

Patients now have a significant choice from which to choose different medications and treatments that are available in many different areas. Holistic treatment will effect a major change in the underlying cause itself and give you a much better chance to fight your ovarian cysts. The holistic treatment brings you the maximum amount of benefits, because two of the fundamental courses of ovarian cysts are in fact poor diet and lifestyle.

Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

To Learn More About Mary Parker?s Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts

You may undergo a surgery to remove cysts larger than 5 centimeters in diameter. The majorities of ovarian cysts are benign and are functional cysts, which mean they usually occur as the result of normal processes within the ovaries.

Surgical operation for an ovarian cyst is not a solution for ovarian cyst and this is not a guarantee that you will never have an ovarian cyst again. This is just a last resort to get rid of the extreme pain of an ovarian cyst, which has gained a big size because of being ignored. A Doctor generally recommend removing an ovarian cyst only if the cyst is large, solid, has an irregular shape or could be cancerous. It has more possibilities to be removed if it is twisted or ruptured and is causing extreme pain. Older patients with ovarian cysts are more likely to need to have them removed since the likelihood of having a cancerous cyst increases with age.

A thorough physical examination is needed, before undergoing an ovarian cyst removal. Your doctor will need your medical history, and he will review any current medications that you may be going through. Your doctor will then order routine tests of blood and urine, as well as request that X-rays and CT scan of the abdomen will be done. So that he can confirm the diagnosis of your ovarian cyst and various positions to proceed for operation.

Your surgeon will either opt for a laparoscopic surgery or an open surgery to remove your ovarian cyst. This generally depends on the state of the cyst and the views of the patient. However in some cases, where the cyst is large, there may not be an option and open surgery is needed.

Laparoscopic surgery involves a thin tube. This tube is inserted through a small incision in your lower abdomen. The tube helps to locate an ovarian cyst and with the help of this information, your surgeon will take steps to remove the cyst.

If you had a large ovarian cyst and your doctor had advised to remove it, then a surgery under general anesthesia may be needed. You may suffer from some pain in the abdomen after surgery. You may also experience such complications as infection or bleeding. It is important to understand that recurrence of ovarian cysts is possible. In a few rare cases, the patient may also experience infertility and blood clots.

If during the surgical operation of your ovarian cyst, no ovarian cancer is detected, then it is highly unlikely that there may be some other complications. You may be back to normal in a week or two after the surgery. However if ovarian cancer is found, the patient may need surgery to remove either one or both of the ovaries. After this procedure a treatment program for the ovarian cancer would need to be started.
The best approach to treat an ovarian cyst or even PCOS " POLYCYSTIC Ovarian Cyst" is the Natural treatment called the Holistic Approach for Ovarian Cyst.

When your ovarian cyst is removed by a surgery, then you should look out that these symptoms do not occur to you, symptoms like excessive pain, abdominal swelling, bleeding, or something like fever or chills, nausea, shortness of breath, vomiting, or any other unusual thing. If you find any thing like that you should immediately consult your doctor. And just like any other surgery, surgical removal of an ovarian cyst requires some time to recover and you have to monitor for any complications.

For more facts of an Ovarian Cyst go to Holistic Approach link.

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